Career Exploration background

Why is career exploration important?

The career marketplace has radically changed and will continue to do so and, as a result, career exploration is also being transformed to meet the changing needs of the world of work. The focus must be placed on developing transferable skills. Providing youg people with the skills to perform work in several roles and to function in diverse work environments requires the introduction and development of transferable skills. Transferable skills are basic work-related skills that can be applied in several settings. Examples of transferable skills are: problem-solving, analytical reasoning, critical thinking, leadership, adaptability, teamwork, and communication.

Career exploration is now becoming a fully integrated approach. Young people can no longer receive their sole exposure to careers in a session with the guidance counsellor, or at a career fair. Extending career exploration activities beyond the walls of the school or college is important and creating opportunities for young people to engage with professionals from all job sectors should be encouraged.

What is PRISM Career Explorer?

PRISM Career Explorer is a highly convenient, easy to use, online resource that provides instructive, insightful information that can empower you to take control of your career exploration journey - one step at a time.

The theory that underpins PRISM Career Explorer is simple and intuitive: - people who enjoy their jobs are normally more responsive to their work situations, perform better, and possess the drive and motivation to succeed. It is counterproductive for a person to perform a role that does not match their behavioural preferences because, not only the individual’s level of enjoyment and job satisfaction decreases, but so does job performance.

PRISM Career Explorer gives you powerful insights into the type of work that is likely to be right for you. It can help you to discover what your work-related interests are and what kinds of jobs you can learn to do well. It can also help you to recognise where you natural strengths are and where you might need more training and development.

Why does PRISM Career Explorer focus on neuroscience rather than psychology?

All that we do, all that we are, comes from our brain. To enable us to survive, the brain has evolved to learn and to be taught Arguably the most important neuroscience discovery is that the brain is highly adaptive, a property called neuroplasticity. Our brains continuously adapt to the environments where we live, work and play.

Since genetics and experience interact to shape the brain, each person’s brain is unique. We all have a collection of different abilities, and one person may find one subject or practical skill difficult, and yet enjoy and do well in another. Research recognizes that each person has a complex profile of preferences - likes and dislikes.

Some students do well in some areas, but less well in others because these differences are grounded in individual differences in the brain. Our genetic predispositions interact with learning experiences to give rise to a wide range of individual differences. We are born with certain genetic tendencies. As we interact with the world around us, these experiences can reinforce or counteract our genetic inclinations..

Since genetics and experience interact to shape the brain, each person’s brain is unique. We have a collection of different abilities, and one person may struggle in one area, such as mathematics, and yet thrive in another, such as languages. Research does not support the simplistic notion that each person is either intelligent or not; rather, it recognizes that each person has a complex profile of strengths and limitations.

One thing, however, is certain: all brains demonstrate neuroplasticity. Our learning difficulties in a subject or task should not, therefore, be perceived as unchangeable, but rather a challenge to overcome because our brains can change and improve through learning.

There are two fundamental things that brains want: to be safe and happy. We use two parts of our survival machine to achieve these goals: our fear system and our pleasure system.

It is important to remember that the fear and pleasure machinery in our brains are at work all the time. To achieve our brain’s desire to be safe and happy, we should start by learning about ourselves and to identify exactly what we want and what we don’t want to do. An easy and effective way you can do this is to use PRISM Career Explorer to compile a comprehensive report on your work and behavioural preferences, and to identify which work environments will enhance your personal performance.

What is the O*Net database?

The O*NET program is the United States’ primary source of occupational information. Central to the project is the O*NET database, containing information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors. The database is continually updated by surveying a broad range of workers from each occupation. PRISM Career Explorer uses the O*Net database to provide you the most-up-to date occupational information. Even if you are not based in US, the information is transferable to occupations throughout the world. The database is there to guide you to possible careers enabling you to undertake further research on the career and the qualifications you may need to pursue them.

The theory that underpins PRISM Career Explorer is simple and intuitive: - people who enjoy their jobs are normally more responsive to their work situations, perform better, and possess the drive and motivation to succeed. It is counterproductive for a person to perform a role that does not match their behavioural preferences because, not only the individual’s level of enjoyment and job satisfaction decreases, but so does job performance.

PRISM Career Explorer gives you powerful insights into the type of work that is likely to be right for you. It can help you to discover what your work-related interests are and what kinds of jobs you can learn to do well. It can also help you to recognise where you natural strengths are and where you might need more training and development.

Why does PRISM Career Explorer enable users to match their preferences with college majors/university degrees?

Although it is possible for students who do not have a good behavioural preference match with their major/degree to be successful in their studies, there is a clear link between behavioural preference and success in the corresponding major/degree.

According to the Journal of Vocational Behaviour (Vol 69, No1), a significant study by Professor Terence Tracey (Arizona State University) and Professor Steven Robbins (San Diago University) involving 80,574 students enrolled in 87 colleges, showed that good grades were related to having a major that reflects a student's own behavioural preference and work interests. Even more significantly, the research showed that such a match predicted overall GPA after five years better than ACT scores (similar to the SAT tests). Finally, the research showed that the results were valid irrespective of ethnic background or gender.

Other research, summarized in 2006 by John C. Smart (University of Memphis), Kenneth A. Feldman (SUNY at Stony Brook), and Corinna A. Ethington (also University of Memphis), found that in students who showed a high degree of behavioural preference match with their majors upon entering college, the personality aspects that matched the environment were reinforced by the experience of being in the major. And this may be considered a sign of success.

But Smart et al. found a different pattern of success for those students who entered a major that was not a good match with their behavioural preference. The experience of being in the major for four years caused these students to have increases in the abilities and interests that were a good match and to show stability or decline (sometimes dramatic) in the abilities and interests that were not a good match.

What does PRISM Career Explorer give me?


  • Instant access to a database of around 1000 careers
  • Unlimited exploration of the roles in the database
  • Access to the unique PRISM Career Explorer questionnaire
  • Unique Career Explorer report
  • Instant access to a database of around 500 college majors



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